Sunday 14 March 2010

Level 3 Team Project - Week 5

This week we spent our time finalising the Design Document, Pitch and Plan. All members contributed to the document and we ended up with a ten page piece, printed and presented during our meeting with Claire on Tuesday. My contribution to the document remained at the Pitch and Plan sections, which saw me working with fellow team members to complete both Phase I and III.

Also this week I have started work on our Pitch Presentation, which is something to be presented to Brian and Phil next Friday. Already we have a 'dry run' version of the presentation completed for the meeting with Claire next Tuesday. By performing the 'dry run' presentation, we'll have some practise and advice about our slide show and discussion before the real thing.

Overall, I'm very happy with the teams design document and feel confident for our presentation next week. I plan to have a final presentation completed during the next few days and by next weekend we should have some useful feedback from Brian and Phil, something that will be both posted and discussed on the team blog.

To view the Team Fable project blog, click here.
To view all of the Team Project diary entries, click here.

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