Sunday 21 March 2010

Level 3 Team Project - Week 6

This week the team spent all our time working on our Pitch Presentation, which was presented to both Brian and Phil on Friday the 19th. All members contributed to the Presentation, both in terms of content and speaking. We were, however, advised by Phil to consider having only one or two speakers for future Presentations. The PowerPoint ended up eight slides long and included all the necessary information we'd written in our Design, Pitch and Plan document.

I feel the Presentation ran relatively smoothly, with all members of the team having the chance to speak and talk about all they wished to mention. We received plenty of feedback from Brian and Phil, with mainly positive words said overall regarding the project.

We were told the main issue we currently have is test measurement- how we are going to measure our test candidates and what exactly are we testing them for. Phil also mentioned the repetition found in our current test- if having players run through the same level twice, will it negatively affect our results?

With the Easter break fast approaching, I hope for the team to have our test details further developed keeping this recent feedback in mind, hopefully leading for them to be to be set in stone before the Milestone 1 presentation on the 30th of April. Work to do over the three week Easter break will be discussed, with us deciding what needs to be done and who should do it before we hit Milestone 1.

To view the Team Fable project blog, click here.
To view all of the Team Project diary entries, click here.

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