Saturday 27 February 2010

Level 3 Team Project - Week 3

This week the team began work on our design document, pitch and plan. In our two meetings at University we discussed work completed so far and what's expected from us for the deadline on the 9th of March.

At the beginning of the week three I performed a second source analysis, this time on the book "Game Usability: Advice From The Experts For Advancing The Players Experience" written by K. Isbister and N. Schaffer. I found the book interesting, although only a couple of sections were relevant to us and our research question.
I also spent some time this week writing up a project methodology report, discussing several different types of software development processes, how they're used in industry and if they're useful to us. I concluded in saying Scrum was the most appropriate software process for us to use and that it should be considered sometime during the project.

By next week I hope to help get the project pitch finished entirely (that way it's ready for the hand in at the start of week 5) along with a report on the NPCs found in the game 'Fable II.'

I felt the team has worked well again this week, with some good feedback given regarding our work left with Claire and Amanda.

To view the Team Fable project blog, click here.
To view all of the Team Project diary entries, click here.

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