Wednesday 24 February 2010

Level 3 Team Project - Project Methodology Report

As part of the teams research this week, I decided to write a document looking into Project Methodology. Software development processes Scrum, Waterfall, Agile, Spiral and Iterative are mentioned, with a short explanation as to what each one is along with some examples of how the process can be used and whether or not it would be useful to us. The report concludes saying the team would benefit most from the Scrum process, making good use of its two to four week sprints and frequent meetings.

"Software Development Processes are a very important aspect of design, with each aiming to aid teams along the development cycle by providing an organised project flow and several different terms and phrases to help identify ‘stages’ of production."

"As part of our project research, we’ve decided to look into several of these software development processes and decide which one would best suit us. The processes looked at here are Scrum, Waterfall, Agile, Spiral and Iterative. A short explanation as to what each one is will be given, along with some examples of how the process can be used and whether or not it would be useful to us. The five development processes featured are some of the most popular used throughout the games industry, with development studios such as High Moon making use of Scrum."

To download the full five page .pdf version of the report, click here.

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