Thursday 9 December 2010

Level 3 Team Project - Week 27

This week, the team spent time analysing our data and writing it up in a presentable format ready for the teams final milestone presentation on the 9th of December. The presentation itself was monitored by both Brian and Phil; not only being the final group presentation of this module, but the final presentation we were to perform at the University of Bolton in general.

After three extremely useful meetings with Stephen Manning, the team was able to analyse the data we'd connected from our pre and post-test questionnaires with no major problems. Using an alpha level of 0.05, team members calculated the mean of a variety of 'engagement' related questions and compared them using a student two-tail analysis method. On some occasions, the null hypothesis has rejected and on others, it had to be accepted. We did however find that, for the most part, all of the hypothesis statements we had to accept fit perfectly in line with our original project hypothesis; something we felt was a fantastic achievement.

The presentation itself was performed professionally, with team members meeting up before-hand to discuss what needs to be said and who plans on saying it. Included in the slide-show was a summary of the project, an analysis of our test process (including the questionnaires), an analysis of our collected data and also a short project conclusion. Brian and Phil seemed generally happy with the performance and had some good feedback to give after the teams twenty minute performance was over.

Click here to view a .pdf version of the presentation.

In the next week, I plan on helping out with the teams final group report and also plan on beginning my individual report, setting up the contents page and report abstract. By 1pm on Monday, Andrew and Amanda wish for an example of report writing to be emailed to them in preparation for the 9am meeting on Wednesday; something I will work alongside the team to achieve.

To view the Team Fable project blog, click here.
To view all of the Team Project diary entries, click here.

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